Welcome the world of creative wellness management

Sawasdee krub all my friends and colleagues,

Thank you for visiting my blog which I have created to share all my knowledge and experience which i have learned from my professional job. I wish we will learn and know more for each other to gain the insight of the industry.

Any direct inquiry, please send me any message at sunai@spanovator.com

Wellness Regards,

Sunai: Spanovator

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

What is creative spa management?

What is creative spa management?

From my working experience many years in the industry, I have seen lots of spa success and failure. Especially in this economic crisis, lot of spas are facing a lot of challenges in gaining the profit from operation. Their revenue seems to be continuously dropping whereas the cost & expenses of the spas seems to be fix. Then what should be the solutions for surviving? Cost controlling? Lay off? or Revenue driving? I knew we have tried many different ways. One of my style of working which i always believe to survive from any crisis are being "Creative or Innovative" that will add values to your business and make you in the blue ocean not the red ocean.

Then I decided to create this blog just to share my experience, my success story or sometimes even my mistake which you could learn from. There is no rules which is going to tell you what is right or wrong in my blog. It's just a matter of what is the real experience happening in the industry.

I wish my blog will be the source of information for many of you who are interested in the spa and wellness industry where we could share and exchange our experience.

Thank you for being in a part of my wellness world! ^^

